Finding Purpose in a World That Feels Chaotic:
I recognize that for a lot of people the world feels like a very scary place right now and has been for a substantial amount of time. It is hard to function as normal with the major events that continue to be told to us on the news, TikTok, instagram, and headlines everywhere we turn.
We are getting information faster than our brains can truly process it & the news is meant to create an emotional response within us.
Do you find yourself wanting to consistently watch the news or do you feel like you should be watching the news?
Here is the thing with the news though, it is meant to keep us divided (how can we truly fix extreme issues with extreme response), realistically we have very little control over it and what we do have control over is how we process these emotions and what we do with what we’re feeling internally. It is a beautiful thing if you turn anger about a topic that you feel passionate about into a volunteer opportunity or a way to advocate for others but if you are finding yourself distracted and ruminating about the news you need to practice some compartmentalization techniques to help you recognize what is and isn’t in your control and what can you do to make peace with what is out of your control.
Are you struggling to find your purpose in today’s society?
Finding our purpose as people is a process of self-reflection and exploration that can help you organize your life. Finding your purpose will help you stay motivate and make sense of the world. It can involve asking yourself questions about what you love and what you are passionate about along with questioning yourself as far as what brings your fulfillment.
So Tedi, Where do I start?
First, get yourself a cup of tea & your journal and little by little work on breaking down your big-picture goals for your life.
-What do you want to accomplish in your life time?
-If there were no limits, what would your ideal life situation look like?
-Have you ever been inspired by anyone in particular in your life? If so, what is it that they are doing and why does it stand out to you?
-Are you struggling to be open-minded? Is there a part of you that believes success has to look one particular way and if you challenged this would you come to a different conclusion?
-Are you being completely honest with yourself or is fear holding you back from trying to achieve what you really
-Consider your skills or skills you want to develop: think about what skills you have that can help support the issues you care about in the world
-Talk to other people: Having someone you can talk to about what matters will help you think about this more intentionally
-Take Action: Clear away obstacles that might be preventing you from taking action
Our life purpose can be connected to many different aspects of life such as your work, your family, or spirituality. For some people, it can be expressed in all of these areas and for others there might be one area you want to focus on more. There truly isn’t right or wrong, you just have to be proud of the decisions you are making for yourself and use your talents to the fullest.
I have met people that value time over money, and have met other people that value money over time, I have met people that want to see as much of the world as possible before committing to anything that will take over their life, and I have met other people who want to take a more traditional life.
We get one life and it is important for you to making decisions for yourself and not for what you think the world expects of you.
You deserve happiness, you deserve to feel fulfilled, you deserve to have space away from things that feel emotionally taxing.
Turn off the news when it gets overwhelming and truly think about how much time you are spending reading and watching videos and what that is getting you. Yes, being educated is important but if it is taking away from other areas of your life it needs to be better balanced in your day to day.